Monday, 2 July 2012
Tudor Barge Design?
Are there references in the Royal Accounts regarding construction and decoration of barges?
Were artists such as Giovanni da Maiano ever employed in deocrating specifically barges? (re-visit biogrphical sources)
Were there are any authoratative texts that circulated europe-wide on barge design?
Monday, 28 May 2012
Dissertation thoughts - Maritime Theme
Braudel draws on these at vol.1, p.248, his source being J.M.Pardesssus, Collection de lois maritimes, 1837 (BL holds copies)
Were these in Latin? Does Pardessus have one for England?
2) Activity of watermen in Plantaganet London? Can their records be used to shed light on the movements of Humph DoG and his Italian humanists collaborators?
3) Royal River Cat. – Tudor & Stuart Sections
- comparisons between Livery companies and Florentine/Venetian guilds?
- how early did barges feature wooden carved saints, and how did reformation affect this practise?
Friday, 24 September 2010
1) Find GdM original invoice to Wolsey at the PRO
according to Sir Henry Ellis (1846) Original letters illustrative of English history...., 3rd series, vol.1, London, Richard Bentley, p.250 (letter # 96)
the original document's reference is:
viii. Pt.i. 22. Orig
2) Is GdM really in the royal accounts in 1519?
Beard in 1929 (p.85) claimed the GdM is mentioned as:
"in charge of certain great water-wheels at Tournay" in 1519
"decorating trappers and saddles at Guines" in 1520
...without giving any references to the source PRO docs.
apart from tacit approval from Remington in 1936 in the Met Museum's Bulletin no-one else more recently has seemed to consider this evidence worth mentioning.
Is this a mistake / fanciful thinking / a lie?
3) Read Bober and Rubenstein's "Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture"
Full ref. is:
Bober and Rubinstein (1986) Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture: A Hanbook of Sources, London, Harvey Miller/Oxford, OUP.
If that doesn't nail down sources, try also Bober's earlier "Drawings after the antique: sketchbooks in the British Museum".
4) Return to the Vyne for another look at "Probus"
But first:
- try and establish once and for all whether the Whitehall busts were glazes
- read the recent Maurice Howard Tudor history of the Vyne in full
5) In Florence
Visit Maiano (1 mile SW of Fiesole)
Locate da Maiano workshop (via Castellacio no longer exists)
See site of San Marco sculpture garden
BdM's work:
- portals in Palazzo Vecchio
- Pietro Mellini bust in Bargello
- Santa Croce pulpit and Mellini floor tomb
- Strozzi chapel (SMN?)
- Giotto bust (Duomo)
If the above leads to significant change of thoughts, re-draft, and also amend items on this list:
> Re-insert the Marcantonio Charles V engraving. Place in the section about the impact of his accession in order to strengthen the argument that this event could have inspired both commissions.
> Consider mentioning the Hans Kraft/Durer Nuremberg medal (as at the V&A, A.380-1910) in the same sentence - illustrates nicely that this impact with pan-European.
How to do an ECA in 6 weeks
Walking back in time, this is how long I spent (approximately) working on it:
Fixing pro-forma 1 hour
Capitalisation 30 mins
Final bibliography 2 hours
- next time, use Excel as before
- but, use the Table, Convert, Table to Text function once in Word
Final complete run-through and re-drafting 4 hours
Fixing Appendix B 3 hours
10.5 hours
- Gwyn (biography of Wolsey) 1 week
- Foyle (Wolsey's Hampton Court) 1 week
- Timeline + other reading 4 days
- Constructing argument and selecting sources 8 days
Drafting in sections 3 days
Re-writing coherently in full to word limit 3 days
Reviewing and re-writing 3 days
Final presentation (as above) 1 day
36 days (5 weeks + 1 day)
But to this add at least 1 week in pre-preparation mode, i.e. 2-3 days pulling together key bibliography for the pro-forma exercise, 2-3 days preparing July presentation, 1 day Ju
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Friday, 2 July 2010
Gothic/Classical 1520s English bedpost at the V&A
Holbein design for chimneypiece