Having buried myself firmly in the literature on the Courtauld's Seilern altarpiece, I'm half-tempted to add this to the long list....... I just wonder if this is a bit of a piss-take given that 500 words of my first TMA is on its making?
Surely this depends on the marker - and something is telling me that the ECA is marked independently of one's tutor. So surely there's not a problem here, but best to check with Sue.
1 issue may actually be that the piece is dated too early - one element of the never-ending argument about this piece is its precise dating, which ranges from the early-1410s to well into the 1420s. I suppose there is sufficient support for a later dating for me to argue it qualifies!
In its favour, it's wonderfully accessible and there's a mountain of literature available, much of which is very recent. Recent bibliography as follows, from memory:
In 1996 (I think) Susan Foister and Susie Nash put together a selection of essays on Campin/Flemalle, with one focusing on this A/P
In 2002 Felix Thurlemann tried (and, I gather, failed) to end the arguing in his monograph on Campin
and the big one... Awaiting publication is Susie Nash's full-length book/monograph specifically on the Seilern A/P!! There seems to have been a hold-up here, it was due out last year. I contacted the publishers, they are none the wiser and are going to ask Susie what's going on. I like the fact that an internationally-known art historian is being badgered on my behalf.
I also note Susie is due to talk on the work at a Campin/van der Weyden symposium in Berlin on Friday 14 May. In September she is talking at Leuven on "Some new information on the construction of the Seilern Triptych...". (It must be these new discoveries that has forced her to put back publication, most interesting!)
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